How Can This Therapy Help Me?

Relationships are complex and whatever your connections with people they can be problematic from time to time.

If you are suffering because of relationship problems, counselling or psychotherapy can help you discover healthier patterns.

Why Should You Consider Seeking Therapy?

Your relationship counselling will help you identify patterns of behaviour as you talk through your experiences, which can lead to greater understanding and clarity about the changes that are needed in your relationships.

I will work with you to explore the patterns in your relationships to enable you to improve your communication skills and form healthier patterns of relating and move on from negative behaviours.

Talking to a psychotherapist will give you a safe and objective space in which to discuss your relationship concerns helping you to move towards developing more meaningful and less stressful connections with other people.


“A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.”